3rd in Free-throws percentage |
With .813 or higher Free-throws percentage Free-throws percentage, Clippers are 21 - 13 | Games |
22nd in 3-point attempts |
With 6 or more 3-point attempts 3-point attempts, Clippers are 11 - 11 | Games |
22nd in 3-point made |
With 3 or more 3-point made 3-point made, L.A.Clippers is 12 - 4 | Games |
45th in 3-point percentage |
With .387 or higher 3-point percentage 3-point percentage, L.A.Clippers is 16 - 8 | Games |
70th in Free-throws made |
With 3 or more Free-throws made Free-throws made, Clippers are 17 - 5 | Games |
85th in Field-goals attempts |
With 12 or more Field-goals attempts Field-goals attempts, L.A.Clippers is 9 - 8 | Games |
90th in Free-throws attempts |
With 3 or more Free-throws attempts Free-throws attempts, L.A.Clippers is 17 - 5 | Games |
117th in Efficiency recap |
With 13 or more efficiency recap efficiency recap, Clippers are 18 - 3 | Games |
136th in Field-goals percentage |
With .448 or higher Field-goals percentage Field-goals percentage, Clippers are 20 - 5 | Games |