81st in 3-point percentage |
With .340 or higher 3-point percentage 3-point percentage, Golden State is 0 - 5 | Games |
99th in 3-point made |
With 1 or more 3-point made 3-point made, Golden State is 0 - 6 | Games |
107th in 3-point attempts |
With 2 or more 3-point attempts 3-point attempts, Warriors are 0 - 5 | Games |
144th in Assists |
With 4 or more Assists Assists, Warriors are 1 - 3 | Games |
267th in Points |
With 6 or more Points Points, Golden State is 0 - 6 | Games |
269th in Field-goals percentage |
With .362 or higher Field-goals percentage Field-goals percentage, Warriors are 0 - 5 | Games |
270th in Steals |
With 1 or more Steals Steals, Warriors are 2 - 4 | Games |
278th in Field-goals attempts |
With 5 or more Field-goals attempts Field-goals attempts, Golden State is 0 - 5 | Games |
285th in Efficiency recap |
With 7 or more efficiency recap efficiency recap, Warriors are 0 - 5 | Games |
301st in Defensive Rebounds |
With 2 or more Defensive Rebounds Defensive Rebounds, Warriors are 1 - 2 | Games |
303rd in Rebounds |
With 2 or more Rebounds Rebounds, Golden State is 1 - 2 | Games |
308th in Fouls |
With 2 or more Fouls Fouls, Golden State is 0 - 2 | Games |