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  #0 Jalen Green Houston Rockets  
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  Games with 1 or more Blocks | Houston Rockets Record : 5 - 12 Jalen Green 
No Date Game Res Score Blocks
1 Apr 5 at Brooklyn L 105-118 1
2 Mar 28 vs San_Antonio L 120-123 1
3 Mar 26 at Portland W 115-98 1
4 Mar 23 at Dallas L 91-110 1
5 Mar 21 vs Washington W 115-97 1
6 Mar 18 vs Indiana L 118-121 1
7 Mar 9 vs L.A.Lakers W 139-130 1
8 Mar 4 at Denver L 101-116 1
9 Mar 2 vs Utah L 127-132 1
10 Mar 1 vs L.A.Clippers L 100-113 1
11 Feb 16 at Phoenix L 121-124 1
12 Feb 14 at Utah L 101-135 1
13 Feb 2 vs Cleveland W 115-104 1
14 Dec 23 at Indiana L 106-118 1
15 Oct 28 vs Utah L 91-122 1
16 Oct 24 vs Boston L 97-107 2
17 Oct 22 vs Oklahoma_City W 124-91 1
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