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  #2 Cameron Johnson Brooklyn Nets  
 ProfileGame LogStatisticsBy OpponentMatchupsRankingsTipsCareer StatsBest-WorstComparison

  Cameron Johnson Comparison 2024-2025
 Matchup : Cameron Johnson vs Cody Williams
Cameron Johnson has won 18 out of 28 matchups, Brooklyn Nets are 10 - 8 in these games Cameron Johnson Matchups
Cameron Johnson has won 4 matchups against top 10 Small-Forwards, Brooklyn Nets are 1 - 3 in these games Cameron Johnson Tips
Statistical Comparison
  Cameron Johnson Cody Williams
Avg SF Rank Stat SF Rank Avg Tips to watch out
19.8 11 Efficiency recap 70 3.5 When C.Johnson has higher Eff than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 10 - 8
19.5 11 Points 68 3.2 When C.Johnson has more Pts than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 8 - 11
4.4 30 Rebounds 60 2.2 When C.Johnson has more Reb than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 5 - 7
3.1 15 Assists 53 1.2 When C.Johnson has more Ast than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 5 - 4
0.8 36 Steals 60 0.4 When C.Johnson has more Stl than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 3 - 3
0.5 25 Blocks 38 0.4 When C.Johnson has more Blk than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 3 - 4
1.5 22 Turnovers 54 0.7 When C.Johnson has more Turn than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 7 - 10
0.7 46 Offensive Rebounds 61 0.5 When C.Johnson has more Oreb than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 2 - 5
3.7 21 Defensive Rebounds 58 1.7 When C.Johnson has more Dreb than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 7 - 8
6.3 12 Field-goals Made - 1.2 When C.Johnson has more Fgm than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 5 - 9
12.9 16 Field-goals Attempts 68 4.1 When C.Johnson has more Fga than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 6 - 11
.492 12 Field-goals Percentage - .286 When C.Johnson has higher Fg-Pct than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 7 - 5
3.2 2 3-point Made - 0.5 When C.Johnson has more 3gm than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 8 - 9
7.6 3 3-point Attempts 63 2.2 When C.Johnson has more 3ga than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 8 - 10
.429 8 3-point Percentage - .211 When C.Johnson has higher 3p-Pct than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 6 - 8
3.6 10 Free-throws Made - 0.4 When C.Johnson has more Ftm than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 6 - 10
4.0 12 Free-throws Attempts - 0.6 When C.Johnson has more Fta than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 5 - 10
.888 4 Free-throws Percentage - .600 When C.Johnson has higher Ft-Pct than opponent, Brooklyn Nets are 6 - 8
Head-To-Head History
They haven't faced each other on the court, yet.

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