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  #16 Simone Fontecchio Utah Jazz  
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  Simone Fontecchio Rankings 2022-2023 Stats Glossary  glossary  

  Games with 3 or more Field-goals Made | Utah Jazz Record : 6 - 10 Simone Fontecchio 
No Date Game Res Score Field-goals Made
1 Apr 9 at L.A.Lakers L 117-128 8
2 Apr 8 vs Denver W 118-114 6
3 Apr 6 vs Oklahoma_City L 98-114 4
4 Mar 31 at Boston L 114-122 5
5 Mar 24 vs Milwaukee L 116-144 9
6 Mar 20 vs Sacramento W 128-120 4
7 Mar 13 at Miami L 115-119 8
8 Mar 11 at Charlotte W 119-111 4
9 Mar 9 at Orlando W 131-124 5
10 Mar 3 at Oklahoma_City L 103-130 5
11 Feb 15 at Memphis L 111-117 3
12 Feb 8 vs Minnesota L 118-143 4
13 Dec 7 vs Golden_State W 124-123 6
14 Dec 2 vs Indiana W 139-119 3
15 Nov 15 vs New_York L 111-118 3
16 Oct 24 at Houston L 108-114 5
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