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  #11 Jamaal Tinsley Indiana Pacers  
 ProfileGame LogStatisticsBy OpponentMatchupsRankingsTipsCareer StatsBest-WorstComparison

  Jamaal Tinsley Matchups 2004-2005 Stats Glossary  glossary  
 Based on Efficiency Recap Difference on Games when Jamaal Tinsley and his opponent play > 25 minutes
Games with higher free-throws percentage than opponent | Back to Matchups Jamaal Tinsley
- vs Allen IversonFull statistics
- vs Steve NashFull statistics
- vs Gilbert ArenasFull statistics
- vs Stephon MarburyFull statistics
- vs Mike JamesFull statistics
- vs Jason KiddFull statistics
- vs Steve FrancisFull statistics
- vs Mike BibbyFull statistics
- vs Chauncey BillupsFull statistics
- vs Andre MillerFull statistics
- vs Joe JohnsonFull statistics
- vs Tony ParkerFull statistics
- vs Kirk HinrichFull statistics
- vs Jason TerryFull statistics
- vs Bob SuraFull statistics
- vs Gary PaytonFull statistics
- vs Sam CassellFull statistics
- vs Marko JaricFull statistics
- vs Damon JonesFull statistics
- vs Jason HartFull statistics
- vs Luke RidnourFull statistics
- vs Dan DickauFull statistics
- vs Tony DelkFull statistics
- vs Jeff McInnisFull statistics
- vs Derek FisherFull statistics
- vs Jason WilliamsFull statistics
- vs Troy HudsonFull statistics
- vs Milt PalacioFull statistics
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